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Letters Home is an epistolary horror game about going to camp.

The PDF is five pages, with a bare layout but clean, easy to read text.

The game is played by writing letters, so you do need a second party to play it. One of you is the camper, and the other is their penpal back home.

For eight weeks, the camper rolls dice to determine how their time at camp is going (and whether or not the local horror has interacted with them). The penpal can provide advice and support, and can choose to try to evac the camper if things get really hairy, but for the most part they are the less involved party.

At any point during the game, the camper can push things and one v one the horror, but this often gets the camper killed. Simply trying to stick out the term at camp is the safest bet.

Overall, Letters Home is a cool storytelling device and probably a great way of playing the Letters Game. The epistolary nature lets both parties lean into the uncertainty of the horror and build atmosphere without having to agree first on what they're building towards. Play this with someone who likes to write, and you'll probably get something publishable. On the other hand, if you're looking for a solo game, or if you want a horror title that plays more like a board game, this isn't quite that. Stay within its expectations and you'll have a fun and atmospheric time.

Minor Issues:

-Page 3 says to roll dice, but isn't clear which kind. From context it seems like d6s.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the review, and also the note about page 3! They are d6s; I'll fix that when I come back to this for layout.